Here are your Scram Acronyms that you will be running across very often.
CSG - Client Services Group
CRT - Centralized Reporting Team
ART - Account Resolution Team
SCS - Specialized Customer Support
FOM/FM - Field Operating Manager Products
IID - Ignition Interlock Device
BAIID - Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device
PAM - Portable Alcohol Monitoring
MMU - Mobile Monitoring Unit (same as PAM)
Common Monitoring Authorities
DMV - Department of Motor Vehicles
DOL - Department of Licensing
MAU - Mandatory Action Unit
MVD - Motor Vehicle Department
DOT - Department of Transportation
SOS - Secretary of State
PO - Probation Officer State Specific
VASAP - Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program
FLHSMV - Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
KYTC - Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
WSP - Washington State Patrol
OSP - Oregon State Police
IID Program Related
DUI - Driving Under the Influence
DWI - Driving While Intoxicated or Impaired
OVI - Operating a Vehicle while Impaired (as used in Ohio)
OWI - Operating While Intoxicated
Internal Knowledge
LMG- LifeSafer, Monitech, Guardian
LS - LifeSafer
QS - QuickStart
GIS - Guardian Interlock
MT - Monitech
SOP - Standard Operating Procedures
CID - Client Identification Number
DL - Driver's License
UTR - Universal Ticket Request
EOP - End of Program
SO - State Office
LPP - Loss Protection Plan
LDW - Loss Damage Waiver
MAF - Missed Appointment Fee
POC - Permanent Lockout Override Code
WO - Work Order
ETF - Early Termination Fee
MA - Mechanic Affidavit
WO - Work Order
MA - Monitoring Authority
CNG - Click N Go ESF - Early Service Fee
CIF - Continuous Improvement Form