Inbound Call Flow
Visualize the Call Flow in your mind as you start the call. You should know what a successful completion of each call flow step is. As the call develops, it should build, and your relationship with the caller should grow.
Tip 1: This section should be a nice “give and take” with the caller. (a “PACE” - You are pacing the caller). You are asking questions, and they are answering. As you gain more information, you get a more complete picture of the motivation of the caller. The time of the appointment, location of the appointment and price are going to be the main selling points - it's important to discover the motivation of the customer and when and where is their optimal installation appointment. (It is recommended to find a secondary preference as well in case you can't satisfy the primary request).
Tip 2: It’s important not to discuss the price of the service until you know where the installation will take place. Once you know the customer’s WHEN and WHERE primary and secondary preference - we can ask for a “commitment statement” such as “if I am able to get you scheduled today for your install appointment, would you be willing to commit to that appointment today?”
Tip 3: Use the time you put the customer on hold to your advantage. “OK, caller’s name, the installation shop is very busy, but I was able to get you confirmed for (DATE) and (TIME), will that work for you?
Tip 4: Understand the Rapport Skills - Acknowledgment and Voice Matching
Tip 1: Assume the close here! This is part of our process. It’s our standard practice to put a credit card on file for the bi-weekly payment.
Tip 2: Reiterate - we don’t change anything today - only after you successfully install.
Tip 1: Welcome the customer with a celebratory tone! This is great! They are on the road to full recovery from the DWI/DUI event!
Tip 2: This is a LEAD mode.
Tip 3: Point them to the future!
Tip 4: You don’t need to stay too long in this section - go briskly!
Tip 1: Use the commitment that you have received to schedule the appointment to your advantage to close the sale. “Great, now that we have an appointment for what you are looking for - we can get you back to restoring your driver's license quickly - let me tell you about the fees for our service.”
Tip 2: It’s ok to add a value statement here before quoting fees - tell the customer why we are the best - tell them the advantages of our service.
Tip 3: Quote the fees in a confident and simple-to-understand way. Use the script! Don’t overcomplicate! For instance, when you quote the bi-weekly fee - don't quote the monthly fee!.
Tip 4: After you quote the fees, try being quiet. You don’t have to do all the talking! You can't wait to see how the customer reacts. If the customer doesn't say anything, you can continue with the script and ask a check-in question - “any questions about how the fees work for the service?”
Tip 5: See handling Fee Objections - resolving the fee objections is important BEFORE offering ANY discounts.
Tip 6: It’s important to understand and use the Rapport Skill “Backtracking” if you get a fee objection.