QT-1 - Monitech(NC)

Founded in North Carolina on August 14, 1989, Monitech has been proudly serving clients for over 30 years. Based in Morrisville, NC, we’ve assisted, monitored, and serviced more than 100,000 clients living in our state.
We co-founded with the NCDMV North Carolina’s Ignition Interlock Program, and remain the local, leading experts in ignition interlock best practices.
Our QT-1 device features were developed specifically for the NCDMV. Who better to provide all your ignition interlock needs?
With conveniently located, company-owned shops all across the state, we view our work as one neighbor helping another neighbor successfully complete their ignition interlock program.
Monitech Customer Support
Customer Fax:
Customer Email:
(Internal Email Only)NC Admin Group Email:
NC DMV Phone:
(919) 715-7000
Device Menu Options
First, allow the unit to go to sleep. This is the case when the unit says “Goodbye”. From sleep mode,
Wake the unit up. Press NEXT (right button) after each word to move to the next word to be displayed.
Once the unit is awake, it will show on the display window the following:
Start Test
Remove Unit
Service (used for Mechanic Overrides)
Override (used for Client Overrides)
Service Appointment
System Information
Hum Not Valid
Make sure that you are steadily humming and blowing at the same time. For many customers, saying the word ‘Who’ while blowing helps provide a successful test. Did this resolve your issue?
Do Not Blow Now
Disconnect the sample head quickly and then reconnect it (the alarm will sound so try to reconnect the sample head as quickly as possible).
My device does not function at all
Turn on the ignition switch and the vehicle headlights. If the vehicle dash lights come on and the headlights remain lit, disconnect the battery for 20 minutes. Reconnect the battery and try to perform a start test again.
My device wakes up, says goodbye and then goes back to sleep
Turn on the ignition switch and the vehicle headlights. If the vehicle dash lights come on and the headlights remain lit, disconnect the battery for 20 minutes. Reconnect the battery and try to perform a start test again.
My device is showing “Vehicle Alternator Critical”, “Vehicle Alternator Low” or “Vehicle Alternator High”
Your vehicle needs to have its electrical system checked by a certified mechanic. Damage to the device is possible if the vehicle is not serviced immediately.
I am unable to take a test on my Device
Disconnect the sample head of your device for five minutes and then try testing again.
My Device is not making any sounds or is making abnormal sounds.
Make sure your volume is turned up or properly disconnect your sample head and then reconnect it
My device is telling me: Invalid Sample.
Weather conditions can cause invalid samples on your device. If it is cold outside, hold the mouthpiece in your hand and blow into it to warm it up. Attempt the test again.
Check Battery - Make sure it is fully charged.
Steps on Processing a Payment
2 Step Process
Processing Payment with Clover

Step 2: Posting a Payment in MIMS - Process 2
Click on Client's Installed Vehicle
Click "NEXT"
If paying for an override or missed appointment fee, enter the fee into the "Adjustment" field.
Select "Payment Method"
Click on "ADD PAYMENT"
Fill out all information in the pop-up window. (Card Number= last 4 digits of card) (Approval Code = Authorization Number)
Enter Payment Amount
Click "SAVE"
In the notes area, enter "Recall Code ." or "Missed Payment Fee"
If no remaining balance, Click "SAVE" and you are finished.
Deferring a Balance
If a balance remains on the account, select "deferred" on the transaction screen
Payment Method 'Deferred'
Enter initials & today's date into pop-up window.
Click "OK"
Click "SAVE"

NEVER Cancel/Remove Monitor or Payment Appointments!
No Service Appointments (Monitors, Service, Payment) from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
No Saturday Service Appointments.
ONLY Reschedule - Do NOT add a new one either
Monitor Appointments - 60 Days
Payment Appointment - 30 Days
Service Appointment - (Resets, CRL, Device Checks, etc.)
Service Call Appointment (Mobile Service)
Change Over Appointment
Add Vehicle Instructions
Maintenance > Next > Add (Vehicle Section) > Add Vehicle Info. - Do NOT enter VIN, leave blank.
Schedule Appointment
Appointment > Select Installed Vehicle > Next > Changeover
How to:
Rescheduling an Appointment
Select Appointment
Select the Active Appointment > NEXT
Select the reason for the change
Scheduling a New Appointment
Select Appointment
Select the Installed Vehicle>NEXT
Select the Reason for Appointment > Select
Client Override
Wake the unit up by shaking it. Unit will say “QuicTest by Monitech”​
Press NEXT – button on right (FYI – BACK is the left button) until you see OVERRIDE – Pull the Trigger ​
If you need to change the Lockout Date – you will already have the vehicle and recall code selected, change the Date here.​
Wait for the Unit to stop talking​
Press NEXT one time, a series of numbers will display. ​
Ask “What are the numbers, enter the numbers in SEED VALUE. The press GENERATE CODE.​
Have the Customer again press NEXT. ​
Say “I will provide you with a series of numbers that you will need to enter into the unit. Do you know how to enter and accept numbers in the unit?” ​
If they do not know “Press NEXT until you see the first number. To select it, pull the trigger.”​
Give the Client 3 numbers at a time to let them enter. ​
Do the same process for each number that I give you. Find the number and pull the trigger.​
After the last digit, again pull the trigger. ​
*If an error is made in entering the code instruct the Client to keep pulling the trigger until the unit says “Service code invalid”. Start over providing the code
. ​

Mechanic Override
How to Use the Service Code:
Press the NEXT button several times, until the display reads SERVICE. At this point, you must press the TRIGGER button on the back of the unit. This will select and enter the Service Mode. After the message plays ("To obtain Service Code call..."). Then press the NEXT button again.
The Display will now show "PIN “. Enter the code you received from the Monitech representative by using the DOWN / UP (Left/ Right) buttons to change the first digit to what it should be. Press the TRIGGER to enter that digit. Repeat this process for the remaining digits. You must input one digit at a time.
When the Service Code is accepted, the device will say "Service code accepted Disconnect unit now"
Disconnect the handheld piece of the device. This needs to be done within 10 seconds of the unit saying "Disconnect unit now". To do this, hold the handheld piece of the device in one hand, and locate the knurled ring on the connector that plugs into the handle held piece. Grip ONLY the knurled ring with your thumb and fingers, and pull straight back (DO NOT grip the entire connector and try to pull it or attempt to disconnect the handheld piece by pulling on the coil cord.) Once removed, the handheld piece can now be placed on or under the seat of the vehicle. (In extremely hot temperatures, place it under the seat to avoid direct sunlight. In extremely cold temperatures {below 10F}, instruct them to take the SH into the office.)
When the work on the vehicle is complete, and you have moved the vehicle to where the customer will pick it up, you MUST reattach the handheld piece before the client picks up the vehicle. To do this, line up the tab and notch on the connectors, and plug in the connector until it locks. This is extremely important. Doing this will clear the service code and will reset the device to normal operation.