How to fill out a W9 form by Navi Maraj, CPS
2:00 – Why do I even need to provide a W-9
3:10 – Sole Proprietor (no DBA)
6:01 – Sole Proprietor with a DBA
7:47 – Single-Member LLC
9:26 – Multi-Member LLC
10:52 – LLC taxed as an S Corp
12:13 – S Corporation
5 detailed tax situation videos by Evers CPS
Video 1 – Individual / Sole Proprietor (6 minutes 24 seconds)
Video 2 – Single-Member LLC (9 minutes 13 seconds)
Video 3 – General Partnership (7 minutes 40 seconds)
Video 4 – Multi Member LLC (9 minutes 32 seconds)
Video 5 – S or C corporation (6 minutes 52 seconds)
Helpful Tips for Proper W9 Completion
Line 1 can never be blank.
If the 1st box is checked (Individual/ sole proprietor or single-member LC) the owner's name must be on line 1, not the business name.
If "Limited Liability company" is checked the line at the end must have an entry of C, S, or P.
Section 3 must have a box checked, but only one.
Determine your tax classification based on the tax forms you use to submit your business taxes to the IRS:
Schedule C on your personal form 1040
You're an Individual / Sole Proprietor or Single-Member LLC
Line 1 = Owner’s name
Line 2 = Business name or LLC name
If you have an LLC Business that operates under a different DBA list both on line 2
(i.e. Complete Auto Repair Specialists LLC dba CARS)
Section 3 = Check box for Individual/sole proprietor or single-member LLC
Part I = Provide either your SSN or an EIN belonging to the owner listed on line 1
If using an EIN, it must be assigned to your name, not the business as it is a disregarded entity for this tax classification.
Form 1120
You are a Limited Liability Company, filing as a C corporation.
Line 1 = LLC Business Name
Line 2 = DBA if any, otherwise leave it blank
Section 3 = check box for Limited Liability Company
Write in the letter C at the end of the line.
Part I = Provide the EIN for the LLC listed on line 1.
Form 1120-S
You are a Limited Liability Company, filing as an S corporation.
Line 1 = LLC Business Name
Line 2 = DBA if any, otherwise leave it blank
Section 3 = check box for Limited Liability Company
Write in the letter S at the end of the line.
Part I = Provide the EIN for the LLC listed on line 1.
Form 1065
You are a Limited Liability Company, filing as a Partnership.
Line 1 = LLC Business Name
Line 2 = DBA if any, otherwise leave it blank
Section 3 = check box for Limited Liability Company
Write in the letter P at the end of the line.
Part I = Provide the EIN for the LLC listed on line 1.