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  • JhaneSmith19

Direct Pay - Key Points

Updated: Mar 12

Direct Pay is a fee group in LMG. This fee group may not affect all clients. Please make sure to review the client's fee group in Plus.

These DP fees are charged by the service center at these appointments:

  • Installation (Labor Fee at install) - Must be quoted from SOP

  • Monitor (Calibration Service Fee) - Must be quoted from SOP

  • Reset (Early Recall Service Fee) - can be quoted from SOP and Mock Invoice

Most technicians/shops will collect the DP fee collected in cash.

DP Pricing

If the client is DP, the labor fees will be at the top of the Fees dropdown list. The name starts with an asterisk *

Make sure that the client is aware that they may have to swipe their card twice at the service center or bring card and cash. Client will receive a separate invoice for labor fees that will not be found under Account History

*Not every client will be DP. Watch the fee group*

DP Quote Breakdown

Payment to LMG Services (Card)

  • Daily Monitoring FC100

  • Daily Loss Protection Plan (if applicable)

  • Reporting Fee (if applicable)

  • State Specific Fee (if applicable) - Review the SOP

  • Tax

  • Total

Payment to Technician (Cash)

  • Calibration Service Fee

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